Our Locations Around Siouxland
We serve the community in four Siouxland locations - Orange City, Sioux City, Le Mars, and Cherokee.
Orange City
Orange City
1217 Hwy 10 W.
PO Box 258
Orange City, IA 51041
Phone: 712.707.9222
Fax: 712.707.9220
Sioux City
Sioux City
2910 Hamilton Blvd
Lower A
Sioux City, IA 51104
Phone: 712-258-4553
Fax: 712-258-4773
795 N. 2nd St
Cherokee, IA 51012
Phone: 712-707-9222
or 712-258-4553
Fax: 712-707-9220
or 712-258-4773
Le Mars
Le Mars
19 2nd Ave. NW
Le Mars, IA 51031
Phone: 712-707-9222
or 712-258-4553
Fax: 712-707-9220
or 712-258-4773